Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Kill Me!

In keeping myself honest, I must admit that I think I'm killing myself! The aliens/zombies/end of the world better not come anytime soon, because there is no way I could run - I'm so sore! I worked out again this morning with BodyRock and did the Ab Blitz Workout. Let me say it again: I'm killing myself! This workout was HARD! It took me 00:56:23 to complete. However, I did complete all of the workout. Of course, I had to make modifications: I don't own a jump rope, so I jumped in place. It's probably a good thing that I didn't have the jump rope because I'm just not that coordinated! But I think I did make this workout harder than necessary.

I was fine for the high knees - when I hit 500 steps, I was done. I was good for the Jump Rope Jacks - when I had completed 500 jumping jacks, I was done. When I got to the Scissors Jump Rope, all hell broke loose. For some reason, I couldn't find a good way to count! I ended up doing more of a military count (one-two-three-ONE!) for my scissors. I think in reality, I ended up doing closer to 2,000 if my math is right! So exhausting! I also had to modify the last exercise a little bit. I was really struggling with the one leg bridge, so I did a regular bridge, lifted one leg, put that leg down, and did a crunch. That limited the time I was holding the bridge with one leg, because they were shot after those stupid scissor jumps. I'm actually kind of proud of my little modification because I think I still kept to what was intended without causing myself too much pain. What do you think, Zuzana?

I also invented a new game for myself today. I think I'm going to hate it in the short term, and tolerate it in the long term. But, I'm sure that I will appreciate the long term results. So, my new game is simply called the Burpee Game. The idea is to do two burpees for yourself (the first and last), and one for each member of your immediate family. For example, you could do the hubby and kids, or in my case the hubby and each of the dogs. My goal is to play the Burpee Game three times a day: morning, mid-day, and right before my shower at night. This way, I get in 15 burpees a day, and hopefully I will get better at them. Right now, I can only walk out to the plank, do the pushup on my knees, walk back in, stand up, and then do the jump. But that's okay for now!

Here's my motivational thoughts for the day:
(Mom, that's a hint!!)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Exercise Update

Today's workout was Burpees are Forever on BodyRock. The workout took exactly 12 minutes (50 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest; three exercises; four rounds). Sounds easy, right? WRONG!!! The three exercises were all variations on the Burpee - one of the things I like least because I'm so bad at them. The only good thing is that I can only get better, right?

My numbers (doing full modifications):

1 Leg Burpee w/Side Jump: 3,5,6,5
Side Burpee: 5,5,4,5
Starburst Burpee: 6,5,5,5

This is my starting point. The first round of 1 Leg Burpees was the hardest, because I had to figure out my rhythm, which leg to move first, etc. Once I got past that, my numbers are pretty consistent. As I get stronger, I'm sure my numbers will improve and I won't have to modify as much. I look forward to the point where I don't have to modify as much!

I have stuck to my eating plan for the day fairly well so far. I had my cinnamon raisin oatmeal and a cup of coffee with Splenda this morning for breakfast at about 6:15. It's been 3.5 hours, and I'm still not hungry. Thirsty? Yes!!! Hungry? Not so much.

One of the things that I am learning to do is to tell the difference between hunger, thirst, and boredom. Sounds pretty basic, right? When you think about it, the answer is no. I won't speak for others, but I have found that I eat because I think I'm hungry or because I think I should be eating. I found this reminder on Pinterest:

Another one that I like is this:

I hadn't thought of it this way, but it's very true!

So with that being said, I'm off to find a large glass of water and a handful of dark chocolate roasted almonds as my post workout snack. And yes, this is part of my eating plan! One ounce of these very sinful almonds is 4 points! Sounds like a lot for a snack, but I need the protein after my workout. I've only used 11 of my 29 points today, which is about one third, so I'm on track!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Weight Yo-Yo

Since I have always struggled with my weight, this is nothing new for me. The hubby and I are in direct competition over who can lose the most weight in about 30 days. We started on Monday, and will weigh in again on Christmas day. I am at my new heaviest weight of 178.6 pounds, which is about one pound heavier than my old previous high. It doesn't seem like much, but it means that I'm gaining again.

To combat this weight insanity, I have recommitted to my Weight Watchers online app, tracking my food, and exercising regularly. Again. My last round started last January, where I lost about 20 pounds before taking a temporary job that threw me off of my exercise regiment. Once I lost the exercise, the food habits took a downhill spiral. So it's time to get back on track. Again!

Yesterday I took stock of where I am, and the results are pretty grim. For the sake of keeping myself honest, and to have a point of reference with the Hubby, I took my measurements. I even had Hubby take some "before" pictures for future reference. Embarrassing as it is, here are my measurements as of 11/28/11:

Waistline: 38.5 (right above belly button)
Weight: 178.6 (yikes!)
Bust: 33.5/41.75
Hips: 43.5/44.5
Bicep (R): 12.5
Bicep (L): 12.75
Forearm (R): 8.75
Forearm (L): 9.5
Thigh (R): 22.75
Thigh (L): 22.5
Calf (R): 14.75
Calf (L): 15.5
BMI: 29.7
Body Fat: 68.4#
% Body Fat: 38.3%

So this is my starting point. I was able to find an app on my phone that uses my weight (5' 5.5"), height, and measurements to calculate BMI, body fat, and body fat percentage.

For my new exercise regiment, I think I've found the most amazing website ever. I found this website through Pinterest, and I'm obsessed! BodyRock is amazing! There is nothing easy about these workouts, but all of the moves require little to no equipment so that it can be done at home or when traveling. The workouts are short and to the point, with very effective, time tested exercises. Between this and the Butt Bible workout, you have a series of short and very effective workouts. I may be out of shape and fat, but I know that there is nothing more effective than hard work. I don't really have the time to spend hours a day exercising, so I know to get the most out of the time that I do spend.

Yesterday, I completed the Wow Booty Workout. This is a three part workout. I completed two of the three parts. I completed all four minutes of Part One with no breaks! I did progress from on my belly, to on all fours, to on one knee/one hand for the five second rests. As I kept going, I couldn’t get up fast enough! Something to progress from. I completed Part Two in 7:12, using only my body weight. I will work up to the sand bag though! I did not do Part Three as I was completely drained from the first two parts. Again, something to work towards.

I am also going to try to work in other "exercising" activities through the day. Yesterday, I went for a bike ride and took the dogs in their carrier. Dragging an extra 35 - 40 pounds behind my bike qualifies as exercise! So I tacked an extra 20 minutes of exercise onto my day. Thank goodness my new bike has gears, because even a small hill is difficult when you are towing the dogs.