Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cross Your Fingers and Knock on Wood

So last week passed as a total blur for me. On Tuesday I went and had my hair trimmed, followed by lunch with my favorite stylist ever. No workout on Tuesday - bad me! I made up for it on Wednesday though. Wednesday morning I went to a spin class, and got in 23.5 miles in 68 minutes (warm up and cool down included). This is an improvement over last week, so I'll take it!

Thursday I had a dentist appointment, and then had shopping to do (Costco the week before Christmas - ugh!). Hubby called me at 2:30 wanting a new battery and charger for his phone. I spent about an hour searching for that (thank you Heidi at the San Ysidro Sprint store!). Another no workout day (boo)! And to top it off, we went out to dinner with friends, but I didn't eat too poorly (just some chips and salsa) and no alcohol. The no alcohol was difficult (but not really) because the restaurant that we went to makes excellent margaritas! Made it home way after (9:00 pm) our normal bedtime (8:00 pm).

Friday was a mess! The dogs had to go to the groomer. I had to pick up the new battery and charger for Hubby's phone at the border. I raced back to the groomer to get the dogs and have them home before 2:00 pm. Then I went back out at 6:45 to meet Miss V about my very temp job on Monday. Made it home and in bed by 9:40 pm. Two late nights in a row - ugh!

I slept in really late today (7:45 am!) and it threw off my whole day! So did the fact that Hubby is on call this weekend. He went out once last night, and has gone out twice today (the second time as I type this!). But today I got my butt back into exercise gear, and did a 12 minute BodyRock workout. I did both of the Dragon Abs workouts + a round of burpees + the bonus abs workout for that series. My scores were:

2 Squat Jumps/2 Push Ups (done w/10# of dumbbells): 4
Side Pick Up/Squat/2 Push Ups (done w/5# of dumbbells): 4
10 High Knees/10 Mountain Climbs: 4
Push Ups: 11

Tuck Jump/2 Push Ups: 5
Drunk Turkey Jump: 20
Surfer Jump/Push Up: 5
Alt 1 Leg Push Ups: 10

Burpees: 5

Bike Abs: 35
Bench Tucks: 31
Sit Up & Press: 8

+ 1 Burpee for Erin (done with love and to the best of my abilities!)

Total time was 12 minutes. All of my push ups were from my knees, but I am seeing improvement here. The burpees are still my nemesis, but my form was really good which is why the numbers are so low. If I haven't said it before, I hate burpees! Tomorrow's workout is already planned, as I am playing catch up on the 12 workouts of Christmas. But I will catch up and workout through this holiday season!

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