If I thought I was sore yesterday, I was seriously mistaken! I woke up this morning, and could barely walk. My calves were killing me! I slowly shuffled my way to the kitchen to make the Hubby lunch and get him out the door for work. I managed to get myself some coffee and oatmeal, and make it to the couch. I seriously considered not working out today, but decided that the only person I would be cheating is myself. I did the scheduled BodyRock workout, which was very hard for me. I completed all eleven exercises in 41:19. I did have to make modifications, but I got through it!
During the middle of my workout, Hubby called to let me know that he was sick and coming home. I had to spend about five minutes talking to him and getting him an appointment at with the doctor. So my time may have been a bit better (but not much), and I'm going to call it 41:19 for the record. For the walk over push up, I ended up doing push ups on my knees. My arms were burning by the time I hit 50 reps, so I think I did good. I did the one arm tricep push ups, but I don't think I did them right because I barely felt anything. Next time, I think I'll just do another round of push ups. For the star crunches, I did about 10 correctly, and then found my form really sucking, so I switched to regular crunches. The side plank lifts just about killed me, but I did them. The one leg wall sit was really hard too, especially since my quads and hamstrings were burning.
I had to break down and buy a foam roller this afternoon because my calves are so sore. I also bought a jump rope, because I need to work on my endurance and get more cardio into my routine. I also played the Burpee game this morning, but didn't get my afternoon round in. Hubby's been home!
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