Friday, December 9, 2011

Finally Friday!

So it's finally Friday! I took Tuesday off from exercise because I wasn't feeling good. I made it up for it on Wednesday though - spin class and a BodyRock workout! I put in 20 miles in the spin class, and then did the Sumo Squat challenge in 25:54:50. It was the first time I have done the Sumo Squat challenge, and it was HARD! I am still feeling it in my legs as of this morning. Yesterday, I did the One That Got Away workout. Again, first time doing the workout and it was HARD too! But I did it anyway, but I didn't track my numbers. For today's workout, I did the Pound Melting Workout for the first time. My reps were:

Modified Reptile (no push up): 14, 11
Left Lunge: 19, 17
Right Lunge: 18, 18
Left Crab: 3/8, 1/8
Right Crab: 1/9, 1/10
Squats: 17, 19

So I had to do a bit of modifying to this workout. For the reptile, I did the movement without the pushup. I did the lunges with two 5-lb weights. For the crab things, I tried! Much harder than it looks! So I did what I could, then finished with push ups on my knees. I'm actually seeing improvement there. Not much, but some - so I'll take it! For the squats, I did those with the 10-lbs of weight. Then to top that off, I grabbed my new jump rope, and did 12 minutes of HIIT. It works out to 10 minutes of jumping and two minutes of rest. I did a minimum of 43 jumps in 50 seconds (once, about half way through and I kept getting my feet caught in the rope!), and a max of 63 jumps in 50 seconds. I think my jumps were: 61, 50, 63, 50, 63, 43, 60, 50, 60, 45, 58, 50. I was bushed after that! But I'm going to keep it up everyday. That's it for today! Have a great weekend!

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