Taking Friday off from exercise was the best idea I've ever had! I was back to moving like a normal person by Saturday afternoon, which was awesome! I even got in a nice bike ride and some gardening on Saturday, which was great. Sunday was a pretty relaxed day. My biggest accomplishment for the day was completing a load of laundry!
No post yesterday because I was busy! I did my weekly weigh in, and lost 2.8 pounds. I was very excited by this. I did change my daily points because I thought they were too low. When I first started WeightWatchers, I was at 29 daily points, and 49 weekly points. Last week, WeightWatchers dropped me down to 27 daily points for some reason. I really had a hard time last week staying with that number, so I raised it back up to 29. Not sure why WeightWatchers made that change, but I really didn't like it - so back I go to my normal 29 points. I think I deserve the extra two points a day with these BodyRock workouts!
I took advantage of the housekeeper being here yesterday to distract the dogs, and did some serious organizing and purging in my office. I feel so much better now that most of it is done! I still have some things to finish, but they are much more manageable now. I spent a good six hours going through old receipts and miscellaneous stacks of paper that I had lying everywhere. I have all of it contained to the appropriate files now, and only a year's worth of bank statements to enter into Quicken. At least I can find everything now!
Since the housekeeper was here yesterday morning, I didn't get my workout in until late evening. I was waiting to see if a new workout would be posted, and couldn't wait any longer. I did 500 reps of the 1000 rep challenge on BodyRock in 45:03. That was hard! I had a really hard time completing the burpees and squat thrusts. My core just isn't strong enough yet to push and pull my lower body yet. Key word: yet! It gives me something else to work on. My arms aren't sore this morning, but I know that I used them yesterday.
Today's workout is the 200 rep Sumo Squat Step Up. I will be tackling that in about an hour. I had a late breakfast, and need to give my body a chance to digest my food. I'll post my time later today!
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